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House Rules

It is the duty and responsibility of every member of Sewickley Heights Golf Club to maintain the traditions of respect and excellence that have been continuously held in the utmost regard since the foundation of our club.

Each member shall be held responsible for their own conduct and that of family and guests, for any act, manner, or thing prejudicial to the welfare, good order, and character of the Club. All members, family and guests should treat the club’s employees and staff in a courteous fashion and failure to do so may result in the suspension of house privileges.

All Mondays (except Holidays) - Clubhouse Closed
Early Spring and Late Fall Hours - As Posted
April through October - As Posted

By calling ahead for Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner reservations, the staff is better able to serve you in the manner befitting Club Members and Guests. Please call 412-741-6450 in advance, to assure dining availability.  You are also able to use the website to make a reservation or make special requests.  You may also contact Anita -

At special events, parties and gatherings of good fellowship, the judgment of the Food & Beverage Manager will prevail as to the closing time.

Food & Beverage Service
Menu Service - As Posted
Bar Service - As Posted

Members or guests are not permitted to bring food or beverage, apart from wine, which is subject to a $15 corkage fee, onto Club premises.

Wine lockers can be rented for $250 per year. Members who rent lockers may store wine and cigars for personal consumption. Wines stored in these lockers are not subject to a corkage fee. The Club is not responsible for items stored in the lockers.

The Men’s Locker Room Lounge is available for food and beverage service as posted.  A full cigar selection is available.  Boys under 16 are not permitted in the Men’s Locker Room Lounge without a parent.
The McCormick Lounge will be open and available for food & beverage services.  Jeans (clean, neat, full length, no holes) shall be permitted only in the Lounge of the Mixed Grill.
The Snack Shop will be open for food and beverage service as posted. The SHGC management team will set the Halfway House hours in April, May, September and October based on weather, demand and available staff.  The phone number is 412-426-3711
Take-out service is available during the hours of normal operation. With advance notice, your order will be ready for you at the reservation desk when you arrive. Take-out orders will be applied to your monthly food minimum.  There is an 18% service charge on all take-out orders
In no case will sweat suits, cargo style shorts or pants, short shorts, athletic shorts, T-shirts, tank tops, tube tops or sleeveless shirts be considered proper attire in the Clubhouse or on the Golf Course at any time. Shirts that are tailored to be tucked in must be worn that way. Shoes must be always worn on the second floor. Men are not to wear hats in the upstairs dining areas. Please help the staff to enforce this code by monitoring the dress of your family and guests. Violations of the dress code will be directed to the House Committee.

Dress requirements for activities or group events may be adjusted at the discretion of the House Committee. Appropriate Clubhouse attire is consistent with golf attire.

No smoking is allowed on the second floor of the clubhouse, aside from the Smoker’s Deck which is connected to the McCormick Lounge. Cigar and cigarette smoking is permitted in the Men’s Grille and the Ladies Locker Room.  Please ask the upstairs bartender for an ashtray and you may smoke on the outside patio.
Mobile phones are permitted in the clubhouse, subject to common courtesy.  The use of a cell phone or a cell phone conversation must never interfere with another member’s enjoyment of the facility.
Private use of the Club facilities shall be restricted as follows:
All parties must be sponsored by a member or have House Committee approval. The Food & Beverage Manager shall control all bookings. If a member is responsible for payment, the full amount must be remitted within 10 days after the party. If the responsible party is a non-member, billing arrangements satisfactory to the Club shall be established.

Category of Membership    Active, Senior, Intermediate II, Social Golf, Special, Widow    Intermediate I    House
February through December    $60 per month    $30 per month    No Minimum
These minimum charges apply only to food and non-alcoholic beverages.

Members who meet the “out of town” criteria, living out of the Pittsburgh area for more than four (4) months of the year may opt for a $660 annual food minimum by informing the Business Office by the end of February.
Each golfing member, as indicated in the “Categories of Membership” section in this Yearbook, is expected to spend at least $1,000 during the calendar year at the Club. Purchases such as food and beverage, merchandise, guest fees, cart fees and other such items will count toward the Annual Club Minimum. Fees such as dues, locker, range, bag storage, handicap service, taxes and gratuities are not counted toward the Annual Minimum.
The Club places an 18% mandatory service charge to all food and beverage purchases. The service charge is split in half with one half (9%) going into a pool and being split by all servers based on hours worked and the other half being used to offset the club’s payroll costs.  Banquet events have a 20% service charge.

If you receive excellent service and wish to put an additional gratuity on the chit, that amount will go directly to the server who waited on you.

Payment of monthly statements is due the Club upon receipt. Club policy extends this payment period until 30 days after the statement date. Past due payments will be assessed a late charge of 1.5% per month. Members will be “posted” for payments which are more than sixty (60) days overdue and shall be charged an additional 5% late penalty.

The Board reserves the right to establish credit caps for members who are habitually late or carry a significant balance.

Members may opt to participate in an automated debit program in which their balances are charged to a predetermined bank account on or about the 15th of each month. Please contact the Business Office if you are interested.

Boys under 16 years of age are permitted in the Locker Room only to the extent necessary to shower and change clothing. Loitering by boys under age 16 in the Men's Grille and Locker Room is not permitted.
Charges for locker rental and care of member's golf and street shoes apply for the season from March 1 to November 30.
All Active and Intermediate members are required to have Locker and Valet Service.
Men’s Locker Room
  Locker Rental Valet & Shoe Service Total
Single $75 $160 $235
Double $100 $160 $260
Intermediate I $50 $100 $150

Women’s Locker Room
  Locker Rental Valet & Shoe Service Total
Single $45 $130 $175
Large $75 $130 $205

The club is not responsible for items left in lockers.
Parking is permitted in designated areas only. “No parking” is permitted in the driveway or circle in front of the Clubhouse. The circle and portico area has been designated as a fire lane. Violators will be fined.
All members are requested to abide by the above rules. Violations will be reported to the House Committee and to the Board of Directors for appropriate action.
Absolutely no domestic animals (except Seeing Eye Dogs that accompany members or their guests) are permitted on Club property.